

The world needs resources for what we call livelihood. Energy is essential, as water is for our body. Days may past. Years may past. But, our following generations would starve. We have been harnessing energy from the source beneath our feet. Why not from us? “When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money” – Osage Saying Human is not mere the benefitted, but also can be the benefactor. Pressure, as defined by our textbooks, is the physical force exerted on a unit area. Besides various energy sources, pressure may shine like an over shining radium. Piezoelectricity is the technical term sorted to these type of energy generation. Solar cells and Hydro generators are grand enough to make a city look smart by their non-conventional innovations. Thinking of an individual expense, Piezo would look good. People always choose the best option, like in a Multiple Choice Questionnaire. So, we did with P

Are medicines of today really curing us ?

Medicines have become a major part in our health. The ages of "Food is Medicine" have vanished up, here's the so-called Digital age, where "Medicine is Food". Medicine is considered to be the science of Healing. Is it so ? Is it really curing us ? Here's the blog presented. At ancient times, People used herbs, especially in India, to cure various diseases. There were sciences about immorality and Godly Medicine, which are beyond today's science. They preferred environmentally friendly equips, so that the surroundings also stay healthy. Today's medicines are mere functionary insulators and modified disease-creators. For example, We may get our excrete semi-solid or liquid in form, sometimes. Considering it some malfunction, we intake some drugs. But, they are not malfunctions. They are just like the startup repairs in our computers. These drugs pause the function of our kidneys, dumping excess waste in our kidneys without excreting them at the r

Sequence and Series: Formulae Explained

We may have learnt about sequence and series under different names at different grades. Here are, it's formulae decoded. Sequence A sequence is an ordered list of numbers. For Example, 1,2,3,4.........                        2,5,8,11,......                        100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01....... It is classified in to Arithmetic Progression and Geometric Progression. In Arithmetic Progression , each term of the progression is added or subtracted with a constant. i.e. Common difference "d". The A.P thus formed is a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d........ To find the n th term of A.P , we use the formula t n = a-(n-1)d. where, a is the first term, d is common difference, and n is the number of terms. In case of first term, t 1 = a+0d In case of second term, t 2 = a+1d In case of third term, t 3 = a+2d By these observations, we see that If it is a case of "nth term", Then the coefficient of d is n-1. Hence, t n = a+(n-1)d , is proved. We can take t n

Avengers Assemble

The Marvel's Avengers : Infinity War is nearing cinemas. Cool !! All marvel fanboys and fangirls are waiting for this most awaited movie. The ten years of Marvel Cinematic Universe. All was for assembling this crew against the mad Titan Thanos. All started with the 2000 film 'Iron man". Now, we have new characters assembled in the Avengers. The upcoming film "Black Panther" which is going to hit the theaters in Feb 16. The Avengers movie is obviously based on infinity gems and Thanos vs Avengers. Marvel has introduced five gems, which makes up five-sixth of THANOS acronym. The acronym thus follows :    T - Tesseract - Space stone    H - <Unknown> - Soul Stone    A - Aether - Reality Stone    N - Necklace - Time stone    O - Orb - Power Stone    S - Scepter - Mind Stone H is unknown as soul gem hasn't been described in the MCU. Marvel fans thought they would find any clues on soul gem in the movie "Thor : Ragnarok", but in vain. I

Mahabharata : A Legendary Sci Fiction

Mahabharata and Ramayana  are the two great epics of India. These two  Kavyas  are considered sacred to Hindus as they focus on Lord Rama in Ramayana and Lord Krishna in Mahabharata. As a mythphile and a beginner-Vernian, I admire at these two epics as a complicated- analytical science fiction. And I got crazy, when I was able to connect some of the stuffs in these epics to our present science. stuffs. Cool some !! They had some sort of voice control upon their weapons. Unless a mantra is chanted, one couldn't use the weapon. And those controls were universal, like whoever has the knowledge of those mantras, they could use that weapon. They also scripted their weapons. Karna was able to use the arrow given Lord Indra only once, as digitally speaking, Indra scripted the weapon with some if conditions. And Karna planned it to use against Arjuna, but it was obviously used against Ghatodkacha, under Krishna's Leela. In Ramayana, Janaka upholds a bow, which is too heavy fo

The 2024 Newspaper : Explained

This article is exclusively to Flash-ies. In Season 1, Reverse Flash just rocked the Flash audience. Eobard Thawne form 25th century, who share his blood from Barry Allen and Eddie Thawne. The season ended like Thawne was erased from existence. This whole Time travel stuff is so cool. Though , The 2024 Newspaper plays an important role in today's episodes too. Still, its a mystery. I have given a shot to explain the article. This is the 2024 Newspaper that Gideon shows to Barry and Thawne. This Newspaper has quite fascinating infos.   In the above cropped pic, It is hinted about Wayne, The Batman himself. I think Batman would appear in Arrowverse through the "Titans" shows. If Wayne and Queen are in some business, then There may be a Justice League in Arrowverse. "Red Skies Vanish" hints some easter eggs of other movies and TV shows. In this pic, The writer is Iris West-Allen, then Iris is married to Barry. The recent crossover "Crisis o

Arrowverse : Beyond DC Imagination

        Arrowverse. An Universe bounded by the screens of our television. At present, there are 4 TV shows running, as we all know. The "Crisis X: Heroes VS Nazis" is going to blast our minds with our superheroes' doppelgangers.          It is a two night event which would cover the November 27th "Supergirl" episode and Nov 28th "The Flash" episode.           What's exciting is, the introduction of The Ray, a freedom fighter at Earth-X, who joins with Citizen Cold ( indeed the doppelganger of Cap'n Cold ).           Earlier at Flash S02, we met doppelgangers of various superheroes and their friends and sidekicks. We had two Ciscos, two Caitlins, two Barrys, and more mind-confusing pairs. Now, we have seven Harrison Wells, unique each other. The Council of Wells is an mixed bag with great minds and humor. When the Crisis-X episodes knock our door bell, we are going to welcome them in a huge grand way.          Clifford Devoe, The Thin